ISSUE with Buddypress 12.0 : Update theme to latest verison.

  Public Ticket #3634662
Tutor and Student


  • yesidr1 started the conversation


    I have to sections to create users. One is for students, the other is for Instructors. However all of them have been created as Student.

    I know that buddypress has a member by defaulf. Please find the attachment image.

    How it is possible to handle one section for student, the other section for tutors? It does not matter if I need to include code, how to do it?

    Attached files:  1.JPG

  •  282
    Ripul replied

    please refer

    Not sure if this is the same thing you ask for,  The vibe app allows you to generate different dashboards and menus for members by their types.

  • yesidr1 replied

    Thanks Ripul, very useful video.

    I would like to call the Register pop up from other page "Trabaje con nosotros". How can I call this?

  •  740
    Alex(Anshuman Sahu) replied

    Im sorry I could not understand this one .

    do you want a register link to the popup for this you need javascript : 

    to your button add class "login-open"

    document.dispatchEvent(new Event('vibebp_show_login_popup'));